Hey there, everyone!

If you haven’t noticed already, we’ve got a shiny new website, bringing us firmly into the 2020s. We’re excited to test out our new online home, not only letting you browse our services and get in touch with us easier than ever, but for us to share new, useful information, services, and products too.

While this post is going to be short and sweet, make sure to come back frequently for new posts ranging from basic automotive and A/C maintenance to learning a little bit more in-depth with what we do and why we love doing it. Just as Ice-Kold has adapted and evolved over the years, the same will go for our website — in some ways planned, in other ways not. But that’s half the fun anyway, right?

Make sure to follow us on our Facebook page to stay tuned! In the meantime, we hope you’re having a wonderful, relaxing, and safe rest of your summer.